The Care and Feeding of the Human Brain: Things Your Doctor and Mother Might Have Never Told You
Nutrition and mental health are a topic far too often left out of discussions among mental health providers and service recipient.
While talk therapy and new generation medications are an important part of battling serous mental illness, they are lacking in the absence good nutrition.
Two and every ten deaths in the developed world are the result of poor nutritional habits. And at the same time persons experiencing mental illness represents the number one cause of disability.
Eating foods that are highly processed and low in nutritional value can more that double one’s chances of developing mental illness, according to professional journals, as well, as more mainstream literature. Therefore, the vital nature of good nutrition related to mental health is clear.
This is true for adults and the developing child. A diet high in low nutrient, highly processed foods is strongly linked to emotional problems in youth. “Junk” food needs to be no more than an occasional indulgence rather than a way of life.
The key to mental and physical health is foods like lean meats, plant based, proteins and fats (chicken, fish, nuts, beans, whole grains, and things like olive oil).
The link between high fat, high sugar, empty high calorie food and excess weight gain is painfully apparent. Excess weight can lead to less tangible sufferings like poor self-esteem.
Therefore, this author asserts that if good nutritional habits are left unattended to in the battle for good mental health, it is the same things as if one entered the ring with one hand tied behind his back.
So, there you have it. The things your Doctor and your Mother might have never told you.