Help Fund MHA’s Contribution to Northwestern Pennsylvania
Direct contributions to the Mental Health Association of Northwestern PA are encouraged. Contributions to the Mental Health Association of Northwestern Pa. by check are encouraged. We will gladly send you a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Just request the envelope from our staff at (814) 452-4462 EXT. 132. Or feel free to donate down below! Thank you.

Memorial Donations
Donations may be made to the Mental Health Association of NW PA as a live tribute or as a memorial to a friend, relative, or loved one. who has passed away. Donations as a memorial to a deceased friend, relative, or loved one may also be designated for the MHA at the time of burial. Please ask the Funeral Director or Funeral Home staff for more information.

Bequests to the Mental Health Association of Northwestern PA by designation. Please consider naming the Mental Health Association of Northwestern PA. as a beneficiary in your will.

United Way
United Way Designation: The United Way campaign is underway. Although the Mental Health Association of Northwestern Pa. is not an official United Way agency, you can designate your gift to the Mental Health Association of Northwestern Pa. All you need to do is write our name on the pledge form as the organization where you wish to have your contribution sent.
Erie Gives Day
The Mental Health Association of NW PA receives a large percentage of its yearly monetary donations from Erie Community Foundation’s annual Erie Gives Day. This event is held on the second Tuesday every August from 8 AM until 8 PM. Online donations can be made to the MHA to further our mission to provide support and advocacy to those with mental health needs.
Wish List
The Mental Health Association of NW PA receives a large percentage of its yearly monetary donations from Erie Community Foundation’s annual Erie Gives Day. This event is held on the second Tuesday every August from 8 AM until 8 PM. Online donations can be made to the MHA to further our mission to provide support and advocacy to those with mental health needs.