Empowering People with Mental Health Needs In their Recovery
Our Mission: The Mental Health Association provides support and advocacy to those in recovery-to be themselves and to feel accepted and connected with others with shared experiences.
Our Vision: The Mental Health Association is a reliable resource that assures safety, health and community for persons with mental health needs.
Our Values: The Mental Health Association values community education and empowering people with mental health needs to lead meaningful and satisfying lives.
Consumer Drop-In Center
What's Happening Now
Programs Offered
Member Resources
The vision for what was to become the Mental Health Association of Northwestern PA began to form in March 1992. This is when the Consumer Empowerment Project began at MECA with a vision of housing mental health consumer-run, consumer-directed projects. The idea was to form a group of consumers interested in participation on social service agency boards, in essence, to have meaningful consumer involvement in organizations that were directing the flow of services being provided.
Full & Part-Time Staff Members
Years of Helping the Community
Average Daily Member Visits
Meals Served Weekly
Meals Served Year to Date
Consumer Recovery Center
The Consumer Recovery Center of the MHA of Northwestern PA is a drop-in center for adults aged 18 and older. Membership is free. Members are provided with a safe and relaxing environment to connect and socialize with others.
Consumer Family Satisfaction Team
The mission of the Consumer/Family Satisfaction Team is to listen to people to find out their ideas about what is or is not helping them move through the public Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol (D&A) systems.
Certified Peer Specialists (Peer Support Program)
Any Erie County resident over the age of 18 interested in getting help on the journey to recovery is eligible for Certified Peer Specialist services.
Peer Navigators at Blasco Library
The Peer Navigator service is a peer based service in which all staff self-identify as consumers of mental health services. By sharing their recovery stories with fellow peers the Peer Navigator offers hope, modeling, and mentoring.
External Advocate at Warren State Hospital
The External Advocate at Warren State Hospital attends and monitors all patient Community Support Plan meetings to ensure they are person-centered, recovery- oriented, and a positive experience for the individual.
Opportunities for Growth
Use your skill set and strengths to help others ease back into employment, strengthen skills, and build your resume.
MHA interns receive specialized training in evaluation and treatment, case management, and administrative duties.
Peer-Led Support Groups
Give and receive peer support from your life experiences.