MHA Corry Outreach Resumes
MHA has been invited to return to Corry to offer some peer based support opportunities. Diana Ames and Michelle Mennini have been visiting the Grove Personal Care Home(PCH) in Corry over the past 4 months and it has been a very enjoyable experience. By developing strong, supportive relationships with the residents and listening without judgement, they have been encouraging the residents to share personal stories and the results have been amazing. Residents offer ideas to each other and to MHA. They have become more active in the PCH. They are developing healthy and positive interests. “I personally think that the residents are much more active in our group and they themselves have offered constructive responses to questions asked both by us and their fellow residents. We all listen to each other without being judgmental”, says Diana. Participants have stated how much they look forward to the “visits”, as they call them. “We used to throw out ideas for activities and events but that is no longer necessary. The group often has an agenda each week before MHA gets there” reports Michelle; case in point, a picnic. When it was suggested, a discussion was started and by the time the facilitators returned the following week, the group had come up with several options. “Last week, several of the residents shared how much they enjoy having us come and visit. And they can’t wait for the picnic in the back yard”, says Diana.
Along with the PCH group, a group that used to meet at Corry Counseling Services is resurrecting. Diana and Michelle are looking forward to doing two support groups at Corry Counseling; one with folks that have serious mental illness and the other will be folks who are dual diagnosed. MHA is very pleased to be able to join with both Grove PCH and Corry Counseling services in support of peer based recovery programming.