Consumer Recovery Center Members And Staff Attend “Recovery Works Summit” In Harrisburg

Seven Center members and two staff made the trek to Harrisburg to be a part of the Recovery Works Summit sponsored by the Mental Health Consumers Association and Pro A. This is the first conference specifically designed to address consumers of mental health and of drug and alcohol services in Pennsylvania. Along with over 250 other attendees at the summit, the MHA members and staff were able to learn more about funding priorities, the importance of advocacy, and issues of discrimination. They also listened to the inspiring recovery stories of peers from around the commonwealth. Between formal presentations, our MHA representatives were able to visit exhibitor tables (including our MHA) to learn about the variety of services and supports available in different areas of the state and to converse with peers and providers about their shared and differing experiences. It was a great day for learning and sharing. At the end of the Summit it was resolved that this experience of a statewide meeting of both mental health and D&A consumers and supporters be held again next year as we gain shared strength and power in addressing issues that impact us all.
Special thanks go to the Erie County Office of Mental Health/Intellectual Disabilities in providing scholarship assistance for Consumers to attend this important event.