Recovery Celebration in Erie, PA

The Mental Health Association, in conjunction with Gaudenzia SHOUT and 25 other partnering agencies held a Recovery Celebration for the public on Tuesday, September 11th hosted by the Martin Luther King Center, 312 Chestnut St. Erie, PA.
Deacon Joe of the Erie Catholic Diocese offered an invocation that connected the tragedies of September 2001 with today’s theme. Kathy Dahlkemper, Erie County Executive, issued a proclamation recognizing September as National Recovery Month. Thank you for your inspirational words and support.
Over 200 people attended the free event. I am proud to say that five (5) individuals shared their personal recovery stories which emphasized the theme of “Join the Voices for Recovery, Invest in Health, Home, Purpose and Community”. This year four (4) people received the Susan P. Esper Award.
Committee members Rita Wheeler and Steve Simmelkjaer with award recipients Matthew Moon ,Jason Gochoco IV and Denise McConnell.
We had a new award this year: Community Award. On behalf of the committee Michael Chevalier, President of Preferred Systems, Inc. lauded the 50 years of service of Gaudenzia Erie. Steve Simmelkjaer, SHOUT Outreach Supervisor accepted the award and was speechless.
A Speaker/Recovery Dance was held at the Mental Health Association, 1101 Peach St., Erie, PA on Friday, September 14. The recovery pledge was signed by 38 people. Fun was had by all in a safe and secure environment.
Comments by Attendees
- “It was a blessing to be here.”
- “Very nice, great time.”
- “Thank you for putting so much time every year into organizing a nice recovery celebration for Erie.”
- “The Recovery Celebration was awesome. I look forward to being a part of it again.”
- “Always enjoyable, I look forward to it every year.”
- “Thank you!”