Four Consumers Receive “I’m The Evidence” Award Honors At Annual MHA Celebration

On Wed May 23rd four mental health consumers were honored for their commitment and successes in their journeys toward mental health and substance abuse recovery. For the 7th consecutive year, MHA held its I’m The Evidence award ceremony as part of its May is Mental Health Month celebration. The call for nominations was sent out across Erie County and MHA received 8 nominations. A committee of four MHA staff was convened to review all nominations and select four who best represent the hope and inspiration of recovery. Rick Albertson, Grace Lukawski, Hillary Palczer, and Annette R. Bliss (posthumous) were selected as this year’s honorees. As is the usual practice, nominators were requested to read the summaries they submitted as part of the ceremonies.
We congratulate this year’s I’m The Evidence Award recipients. Each of their stories is an inspiring example of how mental health recovery is achievable. As we consider nomination an honor in its own right, nominees Emily Burkhart (a previous award recipient), Melvin Edmunds, Carla Kurpiewski, and Crystal VanDresar received framed certificates.