814.452.4462 1101 Peach St. Erie, PA 16501

Erie County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper Visits Consumer Recovery Center

MHA was very pleased to have Kathy Dahlkemper, Erie County Executive, come by to meet with members of the Consumer Recovery Center. After a brief introduction, Ms. Dahlkemper provided some perspective of the differing roles of City, County and State government in provision of services. She then made herself available to speak with consumers about issues impacting them as individuals. Consumers presented issues in regards to housing, employment, and stigma/barriers impacting their access to resources critical to recovery and community inclusion.

Ms. Dahlkemper was an attentive and supportive guest and we all greatly appreciate her ongoing interest in helping mental health consumers become active and participating members of the larger community. We will look forward to welcoming her back for future visits.

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